Blog Myers-Galloway Counseling

Empowering Black Women through Therapy

6 Tips on Setting + Maintaining Your Boundaries—Even When Other People Are Uncomfortable

Let’s talk about boundaries. If you've been on the journey of learning to set healthy boundaries, you've probably noticed something: not everyone’s happy about it! You finally say “no” or take that much-needed break, and suddenly, there’s someone who’s a little too interested in making you feel guilty about it.

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Self Improvement Montina Myers-Galloway Self Improvement Montina Myers-Galloway

What are PACES and how can Black women experience more of them?

Black women have a variety of experiences that have shaped how they see themselves and the world. In our blog What are ACES and how can Black women overcome them? We discussed how trauma in childhood increases the likelihood of physical and mental health issues later in life. ACES are important to understand because it gives us an opportunity to intervene and interrupt the pattern through programs, resources and relationships.

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Self Improvement Montina Myers-Galloway Self Improvement Montina Myers-Galloway

How to Balance your Personal and Professional Priorities as a Black Woman

As Black women, many of us grew up in households that placed us in the role as caretaker well before we should have been. This often leads to us living this role for so long that we feel trapped. And when we feel trapped, it becomes even harder for us to ask for help. It’s easy for some women to get stuck in this cycle of working to the point of exhaustion as they wait for someone to recognize and validate their worth.

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Self Improvement, General Mental Health Montina Myers-Galloway Self Improvement, General Mental Health Montina Myers-Galloway

How Holistic Health Can Help Black Women Fight Stress & Manage Mental Health

A holistic approach to your health is the belief that the individual parts of your life (social, mental, financial, etc.) are interconnected to your physical well-being. We are complicated beings and addressing individual parts of our health does a disservice to the reality of our lives.

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Self Improvement Montina Myers-Galloway Self Improvement Montina Myers-Galloway

How to Set Goals for 2023 When You’re Stuck

All of us feel stuck at one time or another. And often, we’re not sure why we feel stuck or what we can do to feel “unstuck.” Maybe everything in your life is going well and yet you feel unsatisfied. Or, maybe things have been building to head and an internal volcano feels ready to explode.

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Self Improvement Montina Myers-Galloway Self Improvement Montina Myers-Galloway

Self Acceptance in the Workplace: How to Navigate Microaggressions by Living Your True Identity

Denise, a top performer in the Marketing department of her Fortune 500 company, is every Manager’s dream. Despite this, there are days when she experiences microaggressions that make her question how she is “seen” at work. Black women maintain their sanity by constantly negating the impact of microaggressions and reminding themselves that they worked hard to get to where they are professionally and deserve to be there.

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